ETE喷射技术 // 性能喷射工程 mon,24JU202316:51:29+00 en-US 时钟 一号 // ETE喷射技术// 32码 32码 喷嘴为何在灭火中起关键作用// ETE雾喷嘴 元2023年6月5日20:25:31+00 非分类化 //



液滴提高代理快速高效消热阻燃能力 。

控制并引导Extinuish代理 :喷嘴允许精确控制并引导灭火代理,确保它瞄准消防源帮助优化代理使用并最小化潜在附带损害.

提高安全 :消防人员在有效投送灭火代理时可用喷嘴保持距离安全喷嘴减少接触热烟和其他危险条件,提高消防操作安全性。

Tailored应用 :喷嘴各种类型和设计满足特定灭火需求不同类型的大火可能需要不同的喷雾模式、流速或小滴大小通过选择适当的喷嘴,有可能定制优化灭火性能应用 。

兼容消防码和标准 :喷嘴按行业标准和防火码开发测试程序必须符合具体性能标准,以确保火压场景的可靠性和有效性使用经核准和认证喷雾喷嘴有助于确保遵守相关规则ahref="https/'target=''blank'rel='norerener'scoastguard.


s-h4类s/blank'relsmissions brighternosplets spiral喷嘴 :fullcone squal=wp-image-5448's222'高度228'srcset=s/系统通常保持干源管道,当检测热烟或火焰时,暴雨阀门开关并给喷水管提供水和压力操作。

Fan和偏向Fan喷嘴 :>>Fan喷嘴

Foam喷嘴 通过向泡沫溶液注入空气生成泡沫,产生一种能抑制易燃液体大火的扩展和凝固毯子sumary /p>BETE提供各种高性能喷嘴,证明在需求最大和任务关键环境有效喷嘴由严格第三方验证者测试、评价并核准,包括工厂互助和承保实验室,以确保可靠运算。


使用喷雾喷嘴消毒和条件设计的好处// ETE雾喷嘴 元202311:57:44+00 非分类化 // spray喷嘴改善气冷却和调制式喷嘴通过向气流引进适当尺寸液滴提高气冷调和实现流程目标喷嘴可提高气体冷却和调适性的具体方法如下:温度控制:喷嘴除过程控制系统外还可以精确控制.Read More

The post Advantages of Using Spray Nozzles for Gas Cooling & Conditioning appeared first on BETE Spray Technology.



温度控件 :除流程控制系统外喷嘴可精确控制气量和温度例如,如果气流太热,可喷冷水来降低温度。

humidity控制 :喷嘴也可以通过引入微雾水来控制气湿度喷嘴可用于工业应用,需要精确湿度控制。

部分清除 :喷嘴通过引进适当尺寸液滴从气流中清除粒子和其他污染物,捕捉并移走粒子。

Gas擦网/strong>:在某些情况下,喷嘴可用液清洗气体,液态与或吸收某些气体或构件发生反应或吸收For example, a gas stream could be scrubbed with caustic soda to remove carbon dioxide.

Heat recovery: Spray nozzles can also be used for heat recovery, where the liquid introduced into the gas stream absorbs heat and is then used in a secondary process, such as for heating water.

Overall, spray nozzles provide a versatile and efficient way to control the temperature, humidity, and cleanliness of gas streams in various industries, including petrochemical, chemical, cement, waste-to-energy, and more.

What Types Of Spray Nozzles Optimize Gas Cooling And Conditioning Processes

There are many different types of spray nozzles that can be used for gas cooling and conditioning:

Atomizing spray nozzles: These nozzles use compressed air or other gases to break up a liquid into fine droplets.ETE空心锥形喷嘴常用于工业应用以冷却热气并消除污染物液流和气流聚集喷嘴内,内部混合并排出孔以产生极美原子化.


uncequote+ahref='https/'spillback喷嘴高转接率为10:1,在极端环境高度可靠。这些喷嘴不需要压缩空气并可以降低操作成本 。

Spray Lances and Injectors: Spray lances and injectors include a spray nozzle and can spray a single fluid or multiple fluids into a vessel, pipe, duct, or tower.虚构解决办法最理想是精确地将喷嘴嵌入流程流e喷雾喷射器设计优化气冷控进程.

s-h4类squalations'swp-block-hearting'>Learn更多选择气冷控 /p>适当的喷嘴取决于具体应用和期望结果


BETE喷雾干喷嘴技术的好处// ETE雾喷嘴 042023年4月18:05:50+00 非分类化 // spray擦干喷雾干燥法用液或滑动溶液生成干粉液分解成小滴,然后热气或气流干除溶剂由此产生的粉末可收集和打包用于各种应用,如食品成分、药材和陶瓷等喷雾干燥Read More

The post Benefits of BETE Spray Dry Nozzle Technology appeared first on BETE Spray Technology.




数项因素影响最终产品质量,包括原子化器类型或喷喷嘴使用、插口和喷口温度、空气流速率、气流率、滑动率、泥浆中固体百分比以及干燥室大小和形状喷雾干燥通常使用专用设备进行,如喷雾干燥器。旋转原子有许多长处,但成本高难维护,需要高耗能减色spray干喷嘴 是使用旋转原子的极佳替代物.

>#s/best/spray-drying 水分转换成小滴,热气流干喷嘴类型会严重影响最终粉末产品的质量和特征


/p>Hydralic喷嘴:液喷嘴混合高速旋转和高压流产生小滴常用于低敏感液态Innovative designs like the BETE Twist & Dry® spray dry nozzle provide superior and reliable performance for spray drying.

Detail of the BETE TD
Twist and Dry® (TD/TDK)

Two-fluid nozzles: These nozzles use two fluid streams, one for atomizing and the other for providing the necessary pressure.常用高粘性液流并提供对小滴大小的良好控制The XAER twin fluid nozzle is highly dependable for spraying liquids greater than 100 centipose.

XAER External Mix Air Atomizing Nozzle

The choice of a spray dry nozzle depends on several factors, including the viscosity of the liquid, the desired droplet size, and the requirements of the final product.喷嘴设计还可能影响干燥过程的耗能,所以选择正确的喷嘴类型优化过程并产生高质量产品很重要。

>Twist &Dray喷嘴技术 TwisteTD系统独有专利安全锁入载体易安装消除烘干机内长栅替换破喷嘴部件的困难If you operate and maintain a spray dryer, you know how challenging it can be to replace worn parts.

Here are a few benefits of TD spray dry nozzle technology.
· Over 1,000 interchangeable combinations to fit your specific flow rate and spray angle requirements
· Patented locking lug feature securely locks swirl and orifice in place with no extra parts
· Clog-resistant
· The nozzle body is made from 218SS material to prevent galling
· Rated at pressures up to 10,000 psi (High temperature rated for 7,000 psi @ 800°F)
· Requires no special tools for assembly of the body and carrier
· Replacement swirls and discs are readily available for quick delivery

Not all spray dry processes are the same and for this purpose, the Twist & Dry spray dry nozzle system comprises four modular components to meet all spray dry requirements.

· TD Nozzle Series: TD spray dry nozzles have a patented locking lug feature for easy maintenance and installation.These nozzles are resistant to clogging.

· TDL Nozzle Series: TDL nozzles are compact and have all the same features as the TD but offer lower flow rate options and are ideal for small-scale applications and pilot testing

· TD-K Nozzle Series: TD-K nozzles are designed with PEEK backup rings for higher-pressure applications up to 10,000 psi.

· TD-HT Nozzle Series: TD-HT spray dry nozzles utilize a special body and carrier to replace traditional O-rings with metal gaskets for withstanding higher temperatures up to 800°F.

Learn More About Spray Dry Nozzles And How To Choose The Right One

Choosing the right spray dry nozzle for your application can ensure cost savings, increased efficiencies, and a quality product.s/ 用右喷嘴提高坦克清理效率// ETE雾喷嘴 Tue,2023年3月21日15:54:17+00 非分类化 // why使用坦克清除喷嘴坦克清洗喷嘴用于清洗坦克和各种形状大小的其他容器,喷雾头提供强力集中喷液以快速高效清除泥土、尺度和其他污染物而不使用其他工具喷嘴可用各种清洗代理器,包括热和.Read More

The post Improve Tank Cleaning Efficiency With the Right Nozzle appeared first on BETE Spray Technology.

h4类="wp-block-hearting's why使用坦克清洗喷嘴?



Soils are classified into three categories ranging from light, moderate, and heavy.

Light soil:  A soil that is considered a liquid residue or light powder not anchored to the surface and can be easily rinsed away.

Moderate soil: Soils anchored to the surface require repetitive spray impact, temperature, and chemicals for removal.

Heavy soil: Soil is heavily caked onto the surface, requiring a nozzle with a longer dwell time to aid in cleaning. 

For light to moderate soils, stationary or reactionary force operating principles work best.喷嘴直径从3ft到25ft不等。

sstationary喷嘴,也称静态喷嘴,没有运动部件并能够顶住更高温度。BeEHLOCLUET和TW螺旋喷嘴等创新设计提供比静态喷雾球高大自由通道微粒和滤波问题时,我们建议静态喷嘴,因为它们抗凝块 。



坦克大小、泵容量和喷嘴安排与坦克清洗喷嘴使用同等重要 。喷嘴布置 -喷嘴应定位在罐体上部喷嘴离坦克天花板太近会偏向坦克天花板,失去清理效果泵容量 -管道大小取决于所需流速率,并应当选择以确保管道系统压力损耗越低越低所需静态操作压力必须在喷嘴直接可用并匹配泵电源管道系统失压过大可能造成喷嘴性能差。

C填充线 -当永久安装槽内喷嘴时,将其定位到填充线上方喷嘴避免接触产品,细菌积聚和交叉污染可产生结果清洗周期后,去除喷嘴,因为细菌可嵌入裂缝。

D坦克直径 -坦克大小不等选择合适的水槽清洗装置取决于土壤类型和容器直径BETE提供槽清洗喷嘴设计直径达65+Ft。

Drain洞大小 -Drain洞大小保证排水口处理流体流入槽中的任何流体量如果排水孔大小过小,水池中可积水,干扰清理过程在某些情况下,回转泵对排水问题可能有利 。

sprayShaps -Agtiators、baffles和管道防止喷雾到达后方区域,即喷雾影射安装多喷嘴为清理这些地区提供必要的覆盖Position the nozzles, so the sprays overlap and ensure proper cleaning.

More Information On BETE Tank Cleaning Nozzles

Whatever your tank cleaning application requirement is, BETE has a cleaning solution for you.ETE使用最新 设计 空气解密喷水器如何工作// ETE雾喷嘴 wed20232月8日16:37:22+00 非分类化 空气雾化 ETEXA喷嘴系统 气冷却 // tp'hy使用空气解密喷嘴空气雾喷嘴常用涂层、气冷却、潮湿化、润滑、潮湿化和误差喷嘴常见于食品处理、污染控制及石化处理文章中,我们将解释空气雾喷嘴是什么以及它能用于什么空气解密喷嘴空气s/ h4类=“wp块状喷嘴”>为什么使用空气解析喷嘴?


/blank/rel=norefer noopener>可创建扇形或全锥喷射模式,流体和空气可内部或外部混合视喷嘴设计而定。


外部混合空气稀释喷嘴适合200cP以上液体空气流和液流独立排出喷嘴遍历孔,允许精确测量流水量This method works best for viscous materials, including oils, adhesives, and lubricants.

Detail of Internal Mixing
Internal Mixing
Detail of External Mixing
External Mixing

What Are Air Atomizing Nozzles Used For?

One of the main advantages of air atomizing nozzles is their ability to produce very fine droplets with high accuracy and consistency.这使得它们理想应用统一小滴大小和分布很重要,如气冷却和净化污染控制与单流喷嘴不同,小滴子可用相对较低的液压稀释喷嘴实现。


一回使用空气雾喷嘴是使用压缩空气的额外成本当右喷嘴使用并高效运行时,成本可保持中低水平,改善生产过程高空耗量可表示进程使用错误喷嘴并进行进一步评价 。


企业从使用BETE喷雾喷嘴中可获益吗?// ETE雾喷嘴 Tue2023年1月17日 非分类化 自动喷嘴 注入器 喷射喷嘴 喷雾系统 坦克清洗喷嘴 //

全世界有多种行业需要喷嘴应用各种类型流体喷射从简单到复杂不等下下文将检视一些最常用行业 依赖BEE喷嘴技术 实现效果和质量化学和石油化工Read More

The post What Industries Can Benefit From Using BETE Spray Nozzles? appeared first on BETE Spray Technology.

全世界有多种行业需要喷嘴应用各种类型流体喷射从简单到复杂不等下方,我们将观察依赖BE喷嘴技术实现具体应用所要求结果和质量的最常见行业 。




FoodandBrowage Industries

Virtually贝特清除口水箱可用以帮助清洗和净化处理设备与槽Many companies choose to automate their cleaning process with rotational spray devices to ensure a clean tank.

Stainless steel BETE spray nozzles spray coating on croissants moving along on a white conveyor.

Building And Construction Materials

Many building materials require adhesives or finishes to be applied in a very precise and uniform way.Typically, this process is fully automated to ensure consistent application after repeated cycles.

BETE automatic spray nozzles and spray systems help achieve uniform and repeatable spray coverage for a perfect coating on multiple types of building materials.

Our nozzles are designed to reduce waste and minimize overspray and ensure production efficiency in a clean, safe environment.

Renewable Fuels

The fast-growing sector of renewable fuels is also dependent on spray nozzles manufactured by BETE.

Renewable fuels provide a sustainable alternative to traditional, non-renewable resources such as petroleum.

Nozzles provide effective spray solutions critical to producing renewable fuels including chemical injection, NOx removal, and gas scrubbing.BETE喷嘴方式帮助为未来更具可持续性操作铺路.



指南选择喷雾喷嘴// ETE雾喷嘴 元2023年1月16日 18:3414+00 非分类化 完全插头 喷射角 喷射喷嘴 喷雾模式 喷雾系统 //

BETE70多年来一直在工程生产喷雾喷嘴随时间推移技术和应用喷嘴数发生巨变企业引导技术 和产品设计 遍及全球文章中,我们会查看几个s/选择喷嘴/a/a

BETE70多年来一直在工程生产喷雾喷嘴时间技术与应用数>//>spray喷嘴 发生巨变。


此文章中,我们将查看几大密钥类别spray喷嘴 和它们为什么在喷嘴选择过程重要。 spray喷嘴考量




  • Fan
  • FullCone
  • HolowCone
  • Misting
  • AirAtoli小滴对潮冷应用是必要的,因为它们提供更多表面积与体积比,大滴子对撞击和清洗效果更好.




    Spray角和覆盖是喷嘴的其他关键特征BETE offers a full range of customizable options to fit many industrial applications.

    Spray angle is typically measured from the nozzle orifice and is useful only for determining actual spray coverage close to the nozzle. As spray distance increases spray coverage can change because the spray width decreases depending on gravity and other environmental factors. This is typically referred to as actual spray coverage. 

    For most applications, actual spray coverage can be easily calculated but for more critical situations, theoretical testing may be needed to determine a more accurate spray coverage.

    A – Spray Angle

    B – Actual Spray Coverage

    C- Effective Spray Angle

    D – Spray Height

    E – Theoretical Spray Coverage

    Flow Rate

    The flow rate for each nozzle depends on the application's specific requirements.了解流速计算在喷嘴插件上很重要.

    对流速的最大影响是压力Flow rate not only increases directly with an increase in pressure but does so at a consistent rate and the spray angle is affected.

    Note: Some nozzles may be affected differently.

    If the specific flow rate needed is not known, customers can contact a BETE representative for assistance to determine which nozzle is needed.工程师多行业工作并可以帮助引导你跳过喷嘴选择过程 。



    >补全信息BEspray喷雾 >

    > 如何从使用电文喷嘴获益// ETE雾喷嘴 5 023 18:32:17+00 非分类化 教程喷嘴 插件器 坦克混合喷嘴 涡轮组合喷嘴 //

    有多种喷嘴设计相似应用,而其他喷嘴设计处理特定任务一种专用喷嘴被称为教官喷嘴水槽混合喷嘴有时被称为水槽喷嘴,可用于制造和工业应用的许多领域。文章中,我们将精确解释s/ s/偶尔被称为槽混合喷嘴并可用于制造和工业应用的许多领域。



    喷嘴随后用于混合罐内液化物 。


    这些喷嘴还可用于向现有槽注入新液或物实例之一是快速向解析染料或其他添加物 。

    toh4类squal='wp-block-hearting'单件构造不包含失效或易阻塞的移动部件 。

    BETE TurboMix /sup简单设计极强处理最难处理应用 。

    设计中用流水注入喷嘴并转换成低压区,导致罐内周围液进入喷嘴罐装物有效混合泵流水 流水流出喷嘴量是流水泵量的3至5倍This multiplying effect produces greater mixing while using less pumping capacity.

    Detail of the BETE TurboMix spray

    Where Can An Eductor Nozzle Be Used?

    Eductor nozzles can be used in any industrial application to agitate the liquid, dissolve powdered solids into liquid, and mix two or more liquids in a tank without the use of baffles or moving parts inside the tank. 

    An eductor nozzle can work almost anywhere that a submersible electrical pump is currently being used.教官喷嘴会减少维护费用,并会因泵固有简洁性而降低相关费用 。



